The NSPCA is a non-profit organization and has been protecting our country’s animals since 1955.
We prevent cruelty, promote kindness and alleviate the suffering of animals.
Our objective is to serve and protect ALL animals, to uplift their welfare and to ensure that the protection they have under South African law is upheld and respected.
Our mission is to prevent cruelty and promote the welfare of all animals, whilst our vision is to end animal cruelty In South Africa and engender compassion for all animals.
Looking back over the years to our humble beginnings in 1955, we stand proud in the knowledge that our progress for animals over the years has been phenomenal. We have grown in numbers, advanced the education and training of Inspectors, honed skills, drawn from experience and become specialists in the welfare of all animals. We have entrenched ourselves as the most influential animal welfare organisation in Southern Africa.
Marcelle Meredith
Executive Director
NSPCA as a Statutory Body
The NSPCA operates on a national basis with dedicated Inspectors in specialised units which each cover specific animal welfare issues.
SPCAs in South Africa are governed by the SPCA Act 169 of 1993 which is administered by the NSPCA, constituting us as a statutory body.
In an unanimous judgement handed in the Constitutional Court of South Africa in 2016, it was ruled that the NSPCA has the statutory power to institute private prosecutions.
Our Training Unit ensures that all SPCA Inspectors around the country receive a high standard of training to equip them in undertaking their field duties and in enforcing the Animals Protection Act No. 71 of 1962 when deliberate cruelty takes place.

Statements of Policy and Position Statement
The NSPCA believes that every living creature has intrinsic value and is a sentient being.
Our primary and motivating concern is the prevention of cruelty to all living creatures and the promotion of the humane treatment of animals through leadership, education, and law enforcement.
Although the animal welfare issues are considered in the South African context, the NSPCA provides guidance and information to other countries whenever possible, and also provides support for international campaigns which further its objectives.
The NSPCA and all SPCAs in South Africa believe that an animal’s well-being should be considered in terms of the Five Freedoms which form a logical and comprehensive framework for the assessment of animal welfare.
For more information about the clearly set out views of the NSPCA on key animal well-being issues, please read our Statement of Policy and our Position Statement, which lays out a position statement for each policy statement.
Tax and B-BBEE Benefits to Donors
Tax Benefits to Donors in Terms of Section 18A
The National Council of SPCAs is a non-profit company and is registered as a Public Benefit Organisation (PBO). This allows a tax benefit to NSPCAs donors. The NSPCA may issue Section 18A receipts for bona fide donations, which allows for donations of up to 10% of taxable income to be deducted from such income, as stated in the Act.
If you are resident in South Africa and would like a tax-deductible receipt issued for your kind donation, please send your request to comms1@nspca.co.za with proof of your donation attached to your email.
Please note: Tax receipts cannot be issued in arrears later than 6 months after the end of the relevant tax period, as the NSPCA must submit an advisory to SARS reflecting the number of tax receipts issued. If you do require a tax receipt kindly request it with confirmation of donation.
B-BBEE Rating and Compliance
We are proud to advise of our B-BBEE Level 1 compliance with a 135% procurement recognition. Any enquiries may be directed to comms@nspca.co.za and we shall be glad to assist.