High court rules: Modise case veterinarian contravened Veterinary Council Rules

In 2015, the National Council of SPCAs (NSPCA) laid a complaint against Dr S.A. Abbas with the South African Veterinary Council (SAVC) for unprofessional conduct in terms of the SAVC rules.

Personnel from the National Council of SPCAs testified at the hearing. Dr Abbas’ conduct related to his refusal to hand over evidence and reports relating to the criminal charges laid against Thandi Modise.

In a case that came to light in July 2014, it was found that animals were starving on a farm owned by Thandi Modise, the Chair of the National Council of Provinces, in Modderfontein, outside Potchefstroom. Over 50 dead pigs were discovered, and the remaining 85 pigs were cannibalising on the rotten carcasses of other pigs.

The independent disciplinary committee found Dr Abbas guilty on two charges of contravening the SAVC Rules.

Dr Abbas’ license to practice was suspended for six months, the suspension itself being suspended for two years.

Dr Abbas appealed the SAVC Ruling in the High Court which was heard on 25 October 2017. The High Court handed down judgment on 14 December 2017, Dr Abbas was found guilty on additional charges and the High Court lengthened the period of the original ruling, stating that the applicant’s review application is dismissed and the applicant is responsible for all costs involved.

The NSPCA are still taken aback by the decision made by Dr Abbas to refuse the submission of his evidence and reports in order to acquire justice for the animals that were subjected to extreme suffering and support the decision taken by the High Court.


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