“Crating Pigs Is Not Sow Friendly” – NSPCA Opinion Is It Yours?
The National Council of SPCAs (NSPCA) is extremely disappointed with the ruling by the Advertising Standards Authority following our complaint regarding the labelling of pork products by Pick ‘n Pay. The NSPCA placed it’s faith in the independent body of the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA), motivating that Pick ‘n Pay labels are misleading the public. The ASA dismissed the NSPCA’s complaint – and the appeal.
Pick ‘n Pay labels their pork products as “sow friendly pork”, however, pigs are still kept in crates and are unable to express normal behaviour. This confinement in metal crates, usually with bare floors, denies pigs their freedom of movement, interaction with other pigs and the opportunity to forage or root.
Pigs are sentient, intelligent and social animals.
The NSPCA believes that the practice of crating (stalling) sows is avoidable and causes unnecessary suffering. Sows should be allowed the freedom to express natural behaviour as prescribed by one of the 5 Freedoms.
The labels state in small print ‘independently audited to meet Pick ‘n Pay animal welfare standards.’ Pick ‘n Pay is not audited by an independent welfare organisation and we stand by our belief that sows should be out of crates and able to behave naturally in environments that are conducive to their welfare.
On 29 September 2014, Pick ‘n Pay issued a statement: –
“Pick ‘n Pay to phase out sow stalls from fresh supply chain
From 31 December 2015, all fresh pork sold in Pick ‘n Pay stores must come from farms which use group housing for pregnant sows during the gestation period, allowing freedom of movement and social interaction for the animals.
From 31 December 2016, this commitment will be extended to cover all processed pork products manufactured by Pick n Pay.”
They didn’t keep their word.
The public has a right to know and to make informed decisions when purchasing products and the right to voice their options and views.
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