Inspectors from the National Council of SPCA’s Farm Animal Protection Unit attended the African Livestock Trade Fair which took place in Parys from Tuesday 27 September.
The event/show included the exhibition of stud animals: – cattle and small livestock.
Intervention by the NSPCA personnel took place after anomalies were found which contravened the Animals Protection Act No 71 of 1962 (APA).
Lack of shelter for unweaned animals, including calves, and no provision of drinking water for certain animals were serious contraventions for which a warning in terms of this Act was duly issued on 27 September.
The manner of confinement and tethering were of particular concern. In one instance, a tethered calf and adult animals were enclosed together. This put the young animal at risk of being crushed.
Inspectors witnessed unacceptable and inhumane handling “techniques” which included tail twisting. These matters were addressed at the time by the NSPCA Inspectors.
On Thursday 29 September, NSPCA personnel were obstructed whilst attempting to gain access to the show. This constituted Obstruction of an Officer as defined in the Animals Protection Act. NSPCA staff were told they would have to pay to enter the showgrounds. After contraventions of the APA were explained to an organiser and members of the SAPS who were present – as well as the dire consequences of continued obstruction – NSPCA Inspectors were allowed to enter.
A second Warning in terms of the APA was issued later that day. This included the instruction that organisers must adhere to National Standards relating to the Humane Handling and Facilities for the protection of livestock at shows, auction sales, vending sites and livestock pounds.
Immediate compliance was stipulated, noting that failure to do so may render all involved liable for prosecution.
The NSPCA is taken aback that such disregard for the welfare of animals can take place so blatantly and widely. The matter is being taken under advisement in terms of consideration of our legal options.
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