The Feedlot Manager of Al Mawashi has been arrested following horrific findings by NSPCA Inspectors at the feedlot yesterday morning.
Under the control of the feedlot manager, over 126 large rams had been caught and had their horns cut/sawn off in an attempt to make them eligible for export by sea to Kuwait for slaughter. These mutilations happened after NSPCA Inspectors had left the feedlot, once loading of animals had been concluded for the day.
The Inspectors were horrified to find the distressed rams some bleeding profusely. “The horns are thick on these large rams and they were cut/sawn off, exposing nerves, blood vessels and soft tissue causing immense pain and suffering” said Dr Bryce Marock, NSPCA veterinarian on site.
According to the Government “Guidelines for the Exportation of Live Animals by Sea” it is not permissible to load the if they have “horns that are sharp or protrude beyond the widest part of the animal”. However, even after enduring this process, they would still not be eligible because the Guidelines also stipulate that sheep with “unhealed wounds” cannot be loaded.
The South African Police Service were called to the farm and at the behest of the NSPCA effected the arrest of the Feedlot Manager for defeating the ends of justice. This torture and mutilation is a clear violation of the Animals Protection Act No 71 of 1962.
NSPCA Inspectors seized the rams and moved them to a place of safety where they were provided with veterinary treatment, they will not be exported.
In a 2016 judgement, the Constitutional Court reminded all of us that animals are sentient beings worthy of respect and that the people who are in charge of them bear a great responsibility to care for them humanely.
“If it were not for our Inspectors these rams would have been loaded onto the ship to endure 21 days of further pain in appalling conditions. Surely it is time for the Government, Red Meat Industry and Organised Agriculture to do the right thing, to show some compassion and afford these animals, their livelihood, the basic right of freedom from suffering. It is within their power to do the right thing” Marcelle Meredith, Executive Director, NSPCA.
We appeal for your support to help end this suffering.
Banking Details
Account Name: SPCA National Council of SA
Bank: Standard Bank
Account No: 220639744
Branch Code: 051001
Swift code for international EFTs: SBZAZAJJ
Reference: EXPORT
— END —
Marcelle Meredith
Executive Director
+27 11 907 3590 / +27 83 212 3465
Email: nspca@nspca.co.za
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