According to multiple accredited international news sources, there are currently over two thousand cattle drifting aimlessly across the Mediterranean sea aboard two different vessels. The vessels, the Karim Allah and the Elbeik, had left Spain around mid-December in 2020 with the intent of selling the cattle but were rejected repeatedly due to suspected outbreaks onboard both ships of the bovine disease bluetongue. This means that the cattle have been aboard the ships for well over two months.
The Karim Allah, said to have been carrying around 895 bull calves at its departure in December, docked in Cartagena, Spain on Thursday. A leaked report written by veterinarians of the Spanish Government indicated that the calves (now only 8 months old) had suffered from the lengthy journey and were in generally poor condition. The report further indicated that the calves would not be deemed fit for the purpose of live export again and that, as a result of their condition, the calves must be humanely euthanized in the best interest of their health and welfare.
Miquel Masramón, a lawyer representing Karim Allahs management company, Talia Shipping Line, has publicly stated that even though he admits the calves were observed with various injuries/diseases (which he says is normal during live export) that they should simply be treated and sent back to sea for export and not euthanized.
“According to reports, 22 calves died aboard the Karim Allah, the remaining 873 odd calves are in such bad condition as a result of live export that they must now be euthanized. This is a clear indication of the brutal suffering animals must endure during live export. We are simply horrified that the calves were left to suffer to this point- especially considering it is not the first time this has happened. Today it is the cattle in Spain, tomorrow it may be our sheep exported to the Middle East. Vessels are certainly not floating feedlots, and animals should not be subjected to such abuse. This atrocity proves yet again why the NSPCA will not back down from the battle against live export. We will protect our animals at all costs. ” – Marcelle Meredith, Executive Director.
The NSPCA implores the public to support us in the battle against live export both morally and financially. Every animal is worth fighting for.
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