In a recent news article, that was confirmed to have been paid for as sponsored content, claims have been made that the NSPCA has failed in our fight to ban the export of live animals by sea. This is false.
Every year since 2019, Al Mawashi, a Kuwaiti live export company, has exported over 100 000 live animals across the equator from South Africa to the Middle East with the permission of the South African Government. The NSPCA has fought against this since day one and continues fighting for the protection of our animals today.
Our legal application against Al Mawashi consisted of two parts. Part A sought to prevent Al Mawashi from exporting live animals until the judgement of Part B of the application is handed down. In 2020, Acting Judge Dukada ruled in favour of Al Mawashi, and allowed them to continue exporting our animals before Part B could be heard. Part B of our application, which is yet to be heard at the Makhanda High Court, seeks to prevent the export of live animals by sea north of the equator, to be banned in toto.
Earlier this year, the NSPCA requested leave to amend our notice of motion from application proceedings to trial-based proceedings for Part B. This request was dismissed by Judge GNZ Mjali on the 15th July 2021.
The ruling of Judge Mjali speaks only to the format of our application. It is NOT a final ruling on Part B of the application.
Once again, the NSPCA will be appealing the ruling of our courts.
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