The National Council of SPCAs (NSPCA) Board has, in response to the inadequacy in the functioning of the management committee of the Queenstown SPCA, in accordance with Rule 2.14 made in terms of the Societies for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 169 of 1993, appointed an interim committee to oversee the operations of the Queenstown SPCA until a new management committee is elected.

This decision has been prompted by our commitment to ensuring the ethical treatment of animals, responsible financial management, and adherence to legal obligations.

The concerns of the NSPCA include the homing of unsterilised animals and without pre-home inspections being conducted; financial mismanagement such as funds being deposited into a non-SPCA bank account operated by committee members, and the committee carrying petty cash in excess of R24,000.00; as well as a failure to engage with the Municipality successfully regarding the expiration of the lease.

The NSPCA is disheartened by the former management committee encouraging community members to request refunds for donations made. This, while the committee has allowed the SPCA to fall into debt in excess of R356,000.00, with contracts also being entered into in the personal capacities of committee members.

A concerning observation is that services to the community were rendered selectively, with certain areas receiving no assistance or pro-active initiatives under the committee.

It is noted with dismay that the committee have been and are attempting to divert animals from the SPCA. The concerning question arises: where are these animals going and how is their welfare impacted by this malicious stance? The Queenstown SPCA, under the management of the NSPCA remains fully operational, with all staff carrying out their duties. An NSPCA Representative remains on-site to assist with a smooth transition.

The NSPCA had positive engagements with the Enoch Mgijima Municipality regarding the extension of the property lease, with both parties working together amicably.

The primary focus of the interim committee is the welfare of the animals in Komani, both present and future, and the responsible management of SPCA funds donated in good faith by the public.

The NSPCA remains dedicated to ensuring the continuity of the Queenstown SPCA’s operations and is actively involved in the lease extension application process. We are grateful for a positive response from the public in the homing of the Queenstown SPCA animals and thank the King William’s Town and East London SPCAs for caring for these animals.

If you are as passionate about animals and their well-being as we are, consider supporting our causes by donating.

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