Today, Al Mawashi announced that it has not received an order from Kuwait to continue exporting live animals by sea from South Africa to the Middle East. Going forward, shipments will rather take place from Australia.

Al Mawashi blamed and slandered a number of its stakeholders for its decision to move offshore, this includes Transnet, the SA meat industry and the Department of Agriculture – with reference to them ‘dragging their feet’ in terms of their guidelines for the transportation of live animals by sea being incomplete.

In its statement, Al Mawashi included its losses to the tune of R49 000 000 solely as a result of the NSPCAs relentless will to protect our animals from being exported to the Middle East on board their vessels.

Part B of the NSPCAs application to completely ban the live export of animals by sea from South Africa is still set to be heard in court later this year.

“Since 2019 the NSPCA has fought tirelessly to protect our animals from being exported live by sea. Despite what appeared to be insurmountable odds, we never gave up. We are elated on learning about this victory, and we are so grateful to everyone who fought on our side. We are going ahead with Part B of our application, and with the continued support of the public, we will ensure that no more sheep will be subjected to cruel suffering and NO ANIMALS WILL BE EXPORTED BY SEA NORTH OF THE EQUATOR!” – Marcelle Meredith, Executive Director, NSPCA.

Be a part of changing history for animals in South Africa by supporting the NSPCA in this battle.


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