On the 7th of April 2021, the National Council of SPCAs (NSPCA) applied to the Constitutional Court of South Africa to overturn the decision of Judge Dukada’s judgment which only provided limited relief for one shipment in part A of the application. This follows the decision of the Supreme Court of Appeal’s dismissal of the NSPCAs application to appeal Acting Judge Dukuda’s decision to allow Al Mawashi to export 56 000 sheep to Kuwait- despite our efforts to stop the ship until part B of the case was heard.
The NSPCA was recently approached by the Government for comment on their newly released draft of guidelines for the transportation of live animals by sea. This draft is available for public scrutiny on the website of the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD).
The NSPCA believes it is notable to mention that the guidelines state that “transporting animals by sea to the Middle East or any other country or through a passage or region which experiences very high summer temperatures will not be allowed between May and August”.
The NSPCA has decided to comment on these guidelines, as we are concerned that they are missing crucial information, and suspect pro-live export entities may attempt to “water them” down even further.
Whether the guidelines are implemented or not, the NSPCA will remain steadfast in its opposition and continue to fight against the trade and the suffering of these animals transported life by sea.
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