The National Council of SPCAs (NSPCA) has officially submitted a formal appeal against the proposed 3D seismic survey off the Southeast Coast of South Africa, highlighting critical concerns related to animal welfare and environmental impact.

Download Appeal Letter.

The appeal, submitted under the Regulations of the National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998, emphasises the NSPCA’s statutory mandate to prevent cruelty to animals. The NSPCA calls attention to the insufficient consideration of animal welfare aspects in the preliminary assessment and authorisation.

The Applicant for authorisation significantly downplays the potential damage to the environment and adverse effects on animal welfare.

We have highlighted the disingenuous approach of the stakeholders pursuing the project in the appeal. The survey area borders threatened ecosystems, with inadequate consideration of shock waves, sound disturbance, and pollution traveling beyond the survey area. The exclusion of an “endangered” portion, framed as an “excluded area,” raises concerns about the effectiveness of such measures.

The NSPCA has amplified the importance of legal precedent, established by our Courts, including the Constitutional Court, which emphasises the need for animal welfare to be recognised as a vital aspect of our lives and for considerations in that regard to take the forefront in any decisions which may affect animals.

This marine ecosystem will be overthrown by industrial activity, for economic gain at the expense of the environment and animals. Turtles go deaf, whales cease their songs, and seals lose track of migratory routes during mating season.

The NSPCA calls for an urgent and thorough review of the seismic survey authorisation. We emphasise the need for a conscientious and equitable approach. The appeal signals the NSPCA’s commitment to protecting marine life, the environment, and future generations.

For more information, please refer to the complete appeal document attached.

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Jacques Peacock
Public Relations & Legal Liaison
National Council of SPCAs
082 828 0337

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