The National Council of SPCAs (NSPCA) inspected approximately 370 horses that are owned by the South African Police Services (SAPS) Mounted Unit Training Academy in Potchefstroom on 24 August 2018.

The horses were in an excellent condition and no contraventions of the Animals Protection Act No 71 of 1962 were noted at the time of the inspection. Large areas with adequate grazing are available for the horses to express natural behaviour and all horses behaved confidently around the Inspectors and SAPS personnel.

“The NSPCA commends the SAPS Mounted Unit Training Academy in Potchefstroom for not only accommodating the NSPCA during our unannounced inspection, but the clean environment and the excellent condition of the horses is indicative of a government unit that seems to really care about their animals” said Marcelle Meredith, NSPCA Executive Director.

Colonel Cloete, the commander of the unit, Warrant Officer van Heerden, Captain Fourie and Lieutenant Colonel Vilakazi took pride in their unit and displayed true compassion to the horses in their care.

The SAPS Mounted Academy are a perfect example of one government department which take their responsibility seriously and have placed the correct and knowledgeable personnel in control of their horses, unlike their neighbour, the South African Army Special Infantry Capability Unit of the South African National Defence Force, where 25 horses had to be euthanased earlier this year due to their perilous condition as a result of neglect and the ongoing general mistreatment of the horses in their care.



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