Criminal charges were laid against 7 Arrows Security, and Canine Solutions, following the discovery of a dead security dog on a site of 7 Arrows Security.

The deceased dog was found to be in an extremely poor condition by the Midrand SPCA.

From post mortem and veterinary reports, it is clear that the dog suffered immensely and did not die quickly.

The dog suffered from severe pneumonia.

This is not the first time that SPCA Inspectors have encountered animal welfare concerns at security companies that make use of dogs owned by Canine Solutions. Canine Solutions own security dogs that are rented out to various security companies throughout South Africa.

Earlier this year the Bloemfontein SPCA confiscated 13 dogs, owned by Canine Solutions. The dogs were found to be living in extremely poor and dirty conditions. The Bloemfontein SPCA laid criminal charges of animal cruelty against the parties involved. These charges are still pending.

Following the discovery of the dead dog, 7 Arrows Security publicly stated that they would donate R20,000 to the Midrand SPCA to undertake regular inspections.  While it is the SPCA’s mandate to conduct proactive inspections, ensuring the welfare of service animals is not compromised, the well being of animals in their care lies with security companies.  7 Arrows Security is, of course, free to financially support whoever they wish.

The NSPCA is opposed to any practice where animals are exposed to unnecessary suffering.

We call upon members of the public to report animal neglect and abuse to 011 907 3590.


If you are as passionate about animals and their well-being as we are, consider supporting our causes by donating.

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