Inspectors from the National Council of SPCAs (NSPCA) along with their consulting veterinarian conducted an inspection at the Al Mawashi Feedlot situated at Castledale Farm in Berlin, Eastern Cape, on 19 December 2020. The NSPCA team were utterly disgusted to find the sheep subjected to eating and drinking from maggot infested feed and water troughs in addition to other appalling conditions that were observed at the feedlot.

The other welfare concerns include gastro-intestinal disease, lameness and serious ocular infections. Animals suffering from the above concerns were not even moved to hospital pens for treatment until instructed to do so by the NSPCA. This speaks to the complete disregard of the welfare of the animals at this feedlot. These animals may very well be the animals that either land on your plate or are sent off to Kuwait for slaughter and consumption by their people.

The NSPCA has five criminal court cases pending against Al Mawashi for cruelty to animals in their care. Despite this the animals continue to be neglected. More warnings have been issued and follow up action will be taken.

Our submission to the Department of Agriculture, Land and Reform Development (DALRRD) in May 2020 addressed our concerns over the lack of animal health, hygiene, biosecurity and welfare at the feedlot. This was inclusive of the maggot infested and mouldy feed which was discovered in February and March 2020. To date we have not received a response from DALRRD.

We will continue to fight for the protection of these animals despite false propaganda campaigns, abuse and obstruction from the Al Mawashi staff and agents.

We thank the public for their continuous and ongoing support.

If you are as passionate about animals and their well-being as we are, consider supporting our causes by donating.

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