We call on all our supporters to stand against a looming threat to our marine environment.  Seismic testing has been approved off the coast of Plettenberg Bay, extending to Gqebergha, scheduled to commence in January 2024.  This invasive procedure involves deafening blasts every few seconds for five months – 24/7.

The approval by the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy for this seismic testing, executed by CGG, a firm from the United Kingdom, is an alarming disregard for the welfare of our marine life. The echoes of these blasts travel for thousands of kilometres, disrupting the natural harmony of the underwater world. Whales cease their songs, fish lose their sense of hearing, and plankton, the foundation of marine life, face devastation.

Despite a recent court victory against Shell and the suspension of seismic testing off the Wild Coast, we now face a new battle over 12,000 square kilometres, cutting through vital whale migratory routes. This is not just an environmental crisis; it is an assault on the very essence of our oceans.

SIGN THE PETITION: Stand with us in solidarity against this cruelty. Add your voice and share the petition far and wide: https://chng.it/PYksqb6FFt

Apart from the pressing need to transition away from fossil fuels for the sake of global climate change, seismic assessments inflict severe harm on marine life from an animal welfare standpoint. As the NSPCA, we vehemently object to the seismic survey planned for South Africa’s coast.

The ocean, the Earth’s largest ecosystem and life support system, deserves our unwavering support. Let us unite to protect our marine life, who cannot speak for themselves, from the impending devastation.

Spread the word, share the petition, and let our collective voice be heard. Together, we can make a difference.

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