Herd of Elephants

Freedom for Elephants

The NSPCA is appalled by the trade of elephants into captivity and remains vigilant to what is happening at ground level. National Inspectors continue to monitor the wellbeing of those elephants already in captivity, whether in elephant-back safari operations, zoos or circuses. These animals may well be lost to conservation but their humane treatment in long-term captivity remains a priority as does securing their release back into the wild.

Unlike the childhood song character, Nellie, captive elephants do not have the luxury of packing up and moving on with their lives. They are bound to the shackles of their often grim existences. These extraordinary animals have patiently endured all kinds of violations from the human race and now depend on our goodwill to save them.

The good news for elephants is that they have true and loyal friends in the NSPCA and our supporters who are committed to fighting fiercely for their welfare and speaking out in their defence. Join us today!

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