Ongoing investigations by the National Council of SPCAs (NSPCA) Special Investigations Unit and the Provincial Organised Crime Unit have led to the arrest and detention of 10 dog fighters who have appeared in the Lenasia Court on 6 November 2017. 

Members of the Provincial Organised Crime Unit provided tactical support to the NSPCA Inspectors and select members of the South African Police Services (SAPS) Gauteng K9 Unit during the arrests and enabled the Inspectors to rescue their animal victims.

“People who get gratification from dog fighting demonstrate that they have low empathy and would likely be willing to engage in violent behaviour. This is why it is imperative for action to be taken against the violence of dog fighting, not only by the NSPCA, but by other law enforcement authorities as well” explained Senior Inspector Wendy Willson of the NSPCA Special Investigations Unit.

The ten apprehended men represent 8 different fighting kennel yards and include a mathematics teacher, a medical aid representative, a business owner, a security call centre operator and individuals portraying themselves as veterinarians to the public.


“These are people who we walk side by side with, people who are considered upstanding and trustworthy members of our communities, people who we entrust our children with, our security with and even our animals with” Senior Inspector Willson explained.


Sincere appreciation is expressed to the dedicated Inspectors, SAPS K9 Unit and the Provincial Organised Crime Unit who not only have unwavering empathy for the canine victims of dog fighting but who also recognise the broader crushing effect that this violent crime has on a community and the associated crimes that accompany it.


The NSPCA Special Investigations Unit focusses primarily on combatting active and premeditated crimes against animals with any and all the resources at their disposal. Our thanks are extended to the members of the public who support us in our ongoing endeavours to combat these heinous crimes, and make these rescues possible.

If you are as passionate about animals and their well-being as we are, consider supporting our causes by donating.

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