Death by poisoning is arguably the most cruel and inhumane way to kill an animal. Aldicarb, (alternatively known as Two-step or Temik) is most commonly used to poison dogs. The number of animals poisoned with illegally obtained poisons in South Africa has increased steadily in recent years. Criminals often use these illegal poisons to maliciously kill dogs before committing another crime, such as breaking and entering or motor vehicle theft. Our wildlife does not escape unharmed either and many wild animals fall victim to mass poisonings as a result of poison-laced bait.
All poison cases must be reported to the local SAPS with a request for them to investigate the case and remove any suspected poison residues/bait from your property. A poisoning incident is a crime and should always be reported into your local police station as such.
How To Identify The Poison:
Aldicarb is identified by its small black granular appearance. The poison almost looks like poppy seeds. It is extremely toxic and will poison any human or animal who comes into contact with it. If you see what looks like Aldicarb on your property, do not touch it with your bare hand – the poison can be absorbed through the skin. Wear gloves when removing the poison from your property. Criminals usually hide it in meat so that dogs consume it.
How To Identify If Your Dog Has Been Poisoned:
A poisoned dog will become convulsed and will look as if worms are crawling on the body. The dog will vomit, drool and his pupils may change. Unfortunately, there is no antidote for Aldicarb and it is a fast-acting poison, but if you can get your companion to a veterinarian in time, they may be able to neutralise the poison. Time is of the essence.
How To Protect Your Companion From Being Poisoned:
Poisoning mostly occurs during the night, therefore it would be best to let your companion(s) sleep inside. Alternatively, divide the back yard from the front and keep your dogs in the back so that they aren’t easily reached by outsiders. Speak to your local veterinarian about a possible poisoning emergency kit at home which may assist your companion until you get professional help **this is not to replace veterinary assistance but to improve the chances of neutralization following veterinary intervention**
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