The NSPCA is pleased to announce that PETA supports our stance in the case against Elephants of Eden. On Monday, 15 August, our CEO Marcelle Meredith received the below email from them:
“Dear Ms. Meredith:
On behalf of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and our more than 5 million members and supporters around the world, I would like to extend our sincere appreciation for your pro-active efforts to hold Elephants of Eden accountable for its deplorable treatment of elephants. You are to be commended for refusing to let the dismissal of the charges by the Director of Public Prosecutions stand.
The NSPCA’s strong position against the entrenched abuse in these elephant camps is commendable and serves as an example for others to follow. This prosecution sets South Africa apart as a global leader in combating cruelty to animals.
If we can assist you in any way, be it in the form of expert statements or any documentation we may have on elephant training in general, please let me know.
Yours truly,
Rachel Mathews, Esq.
Associate Director
Captive Animal Law Enforcement
PETA Foundation”
>>Read more on the case against Elephants of Eden here
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