Our Animal Ethics Unit would like to invite schools to take part in a survey pertaining to the methods and materials used for educational purposes.
We have created a survey because we would like to know more about the use of animals, organs, posters and alternatives (methods that replace the use of animals) in subjects such as natural science, biology and life science. Currently animals and organs are used in schools for teaching learners about anatomy and physiology. However, the use of alternative methods is growing in popularity globally. Research has indicated the need for this trend to be adopted in South Africa.
The purpose of the survey is to understand the current methods that are used by schools and to determine whether there is a need for and an interest in alternatives. Our survey is being treated as confidential and the results are being analyzed through an independent company. The survey will only take 10-15 minutes to complete and it would be greatly appreciated if you can pass this on to teachers you know. Please click here to complete the survey.
If you are as passionate about animals and their well-being as we are, consider supporting our causes by donating.